Why Some Games Are More Fun to Watch Than to Play

You’ve probably noticed the gaming world has changed a lot in the past few years. Where gaming was once an independent activity people enjoyed in the comfort of their homes, it’s now an interactive experience they share with others. Moreover, instead of playing the games themselves, many tune into streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube to watch others play their favorite titles. If you’re not familiar with the current gaming scene, this may come across as a little strange. After all, games are meant to be played, not watched—or at least, that’s what conventional wisdom tells us.

As true as that may have once been, times have changed, and many people prefer to watch gaming live streams than play the titles themselves. Streaming platforms have turned gaming into a spectator sport, where millions of viewers come together every day to watch streams of every game you could imagine. Many will tell you that watching certain games is more enjoyable than actually playing them; in this article, we take a look at why. 

The Spectacle Factor

From battle royale titles like Fortnite to casino games like Blackjack, every gaming genre is represented on streaming platforms. While casino games aren’t typically classified as video games, with their digitization and move to online platforms, they’ve become popular on streaming platforms. Many watch broadcasts of popular card games like Blackjack to learn more about the strategies and techniques required for success. Later, they can test their skills by trying their hand at the game online. Besides learning about the game, there’s something exciting about watching it live-streamed to see if the player can beat the dealer. 

The same goes for any game that’s streamed live to an audience on one of these platforms. Cinematic titles with impressive graphics are also a crowd favorite. Many of these games tell a story, so watching them live-streamed is much like sitting back and watching a TV series on a streaming platform Netflix.

Games like The Last of Us have detailed plots and character development that lend themselves to watching passively. In fact, The Last of Us is so good at this that HBO developed a TV show based on the game that was released to widespread acclaim. Horror games are also good choices for streaming because the jump scares and suspenseful moments draw the audience in and keep them wanting to watch so they can see what happens next. 

The Skill Gap and High-Level Play

While some games are highly accessible, others require a significant time commitment if you want to get good at them and have fun while playing them. For those who are interested in one of these titles but don’t have the time to commit to learning their gameplay, watching them on a live stream is an enjoyable alternative. 

Many games would overwhelm casual games, especially those with mechanics that are difficult to master and strategic depth. Esport titles like Starcraft II and Dota 2 are two of the best examples of this phenomenon, where expert gamers execute strategies and manoeuvres that audiences love but would have a hard time replicating on their own. Without a doubt, esports, with its high-level competition, has been a huge contributor to gaming as a spectator sport. 

The Frustration Factor

We’ve all experienced becoming so frustrated with a game that we put it down and never return to it again. You may have bought the game because of the rave reviews it received that made you think it was a title you had to play, only to become overwhelmed by its difficulty. If this has happened to you, you’re not alone. And many players who feel this way watch live streams with professional players instead of trying to get through the game on their own. 

Games like Dark Souls are notoriously punishing, with players encountering relentless obstacles at every turn. If you keep at it, sure, these frustrations can lead to triumph, but for many, watching skilled players overcome these obstacles or witnessing humorous failures is a lot more fun. 

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